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Karen Lapine in Alpharetta, Georgia
We found 1 person named Karen Lapine in Alpharetta, Georgia - GA. View current home address, phone numbers, social media profiles, emails, age, birthday, and dark web scan information.
More Information For Karen Lapine
Learn MoreKaren Lapine Q&A
Frequently asked questions for Karen Lapine
- Is Karen Lapine's phone number currently active?
We believe Karen Lapine's phone number to be (770) 296-2440.
- Does Karen Lapine have an address on file?
Karen's current address seems to be 2660 Elden Avenue Apt 105, Costa Mesa, CA 92627. Previous cities include Murrieta, Sacramento, San Diego, and Temecula.
- Can I find out Karen Lapine's email address?
You can reach Karen Lapine at the following email addresses: smb****, smb**** and x3m****
- What age does Karen Lapine have?
60 is the age of Karen Lapine.
- Who are some of Karen Lapine's relatives?
Some of Karen Lapine's relatives are Michael Roberts, Maryellen Rodriguez and Christina Canfield.
- Is Karen Lapine married or in a relationship?
Karen Lapine has a 59% chance of being married or in a relationship.
- Is Karen Lapine rich?
Karen Lapine seems to make an income between $96K and $106K.
Karen Lapine Phone Numbers
Found 1 Phone Number for Karen Lapine
Karen Lapine's Social Media Accounts
Found 1 Social Media Account for Karen Lapine