Stay Connected With Our People Finder
PublicRecord is a reverse lookup site that offers tons of different ways to search for information about or find people. Our people lookup tool has access to various publicly available databases, which it can comb through in a matter of minutes.
Once all the information has been collected, it is shown to you in the form of a report that you can easily understand. All of this happens in just a few minutes and the only thing that’s required from you is the first and last name of a person.

Where Does the Information Come From?
All the information that PublicRecord provides you is publicly available; none of it is obtained through illegal means. When you type in someone’s name and hit the search button, our system efficiently scours various public federal and state records and databases.
We also look at people’s social media profiles to make sure you always get the most useful information. PublicRecord’s people lookup tool dives into various types of public records, including marriage records, property records, court documents, email addresses, birth records, and other databases maintained by government agencies.
Our objective is to provide you with useful and relevant data that will help you find meaningful information about people you’re interested in.
It’s extremely difficult to find information through the aforementioned sources yourself as you would have to physically visit government offices to request access to their databases. In most cases, the whole process could take days, with no guarantee that you would be able to make sense of all the information.
With PublicRecord’s people lookup tool, you may be able to get your hands on the following information:
Birth records
Marriage and divorce records
Email addresses
Social media handles
Full address history
Criminal records
Tax liens
Professional certifications
Phone numbers
Note that there may be more or less information in the final report, depending on how much data about the person you’re looking for is publicly available.
How the People Finder Lookup Tool Works
To find information about a person using our people lookup tool, you need their full name. You can also enter the name of the city and state they live in, but these details are not necessary and you can begin the search without them.
Here’s what you have to do to find information about someone with the help of PublicRecord:
Enter the full name of the person you want more information about. If you know what city they live in, you should type that in as well. In the dropdown field, you can select the state they reside in. As mentioned above, you can skip the city and state information if you don’t know where the person lives.
Press the Search button once you’ve entered the person’s full name.
The site will begin to search for the person in its database. During this process, you may be asked more information about the person, such as where they live, their age range, whether they’ve ever had a DUI or not, and more. While it’s not necessary to respond to these questions, answering them will help narrow down the results.
Our tool will then delve into people’s social media profiles and criminal records.
Once it has finished gathering all the data, you’ll be asked to agree with the site’s terms and conditions, which state that you won’t use the information to make decisions about consumer credit checks, employment screening, tenant screening, and any other legal purposes regulated by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).
You should now be able to view the report. It’ll include tons of information about the person.
Why Should I Use a People Finder Lookup Tool?
Reconnect With Friends and Family
Thanks to our people lookup tool, you can find more information about old friends and long-lost relatives. If the only thing you remember about these people are their names, then you can use them to get access to more personal details about them. Once you have their email addresses and phone numbers, you can easily get in touch with them and reminisce about the good old times.
Protect Yourself From Harassment
The tool is especially important for people who suspect they may be victims of stalking or harassment. If they know the person’s name, they can get access to their phone number and other important information, which they can use to report them to the authorities.
Network With Other Professionals
Another reason why you should use a people lookup tool is so you can expand your professional network. You can use it to obtain contact details of your clients or other people in your industry. PublicRecord will provide you their email addresses and information about their LinkedIn profiles, so you can connect with them in a more professional manner.
Date New People Safely
You can also use people lookup tools to verify the identity of a new friend or a potential love interest. Using these tools, you can learn more about new people in your life, so you can ensure that you interact and engage with genuine contacts.
Avoid Scams and Fraud
Using a people lookup tool is a great way to avoid getting scammed and becoming a victim of phishing attacks. For example, you can verify the identity of people involved in financial transactions to keep yourself safe from financial harm. If you get an email from someone you think might be trying to scam you, you can enter their name in our people lookup tool and see if they’re legit.
Is Our People Finder Lookup Free?
Once you get to the report stage, you have to pay a small one-time fee to view the full report, though you can view some of the basic information at no cost to you. When you subscribe to our service, you can generate an unlimited number of reports on any many people as you like.
You can use other search engines like Google and Bing, but you’ll have to manually sift through every search result to find what you’re looking for. Plus, as mentioned above, you may have to physically visit government offices to find certain information, especially if they don’t regularly update their sites.
All of this takes a large amount of time, which most of us don’t have. PublicRecord’s people lookup tool can quickly gather all the data for you for a small amount of money, but in return, you’ll save tons of time and effort.

Is There Any Other Way I Can Search for People?
Email Lookup
With the email lookup tool, you can use someone’s email address to find more information about them. This is especially helpful in identifying phishing attacks as most phishing emails don’t give away the real names of the people behind them.
Phone Number Lookup
Phone Number LookupSearching for information about someone via their phone number is another method that’s available on PublicRecord. You don’t need the person’s name or address for this tool. It’ll show you all the publicly available information that’s associated with the number.
Address Lookup
Address LookupIf you know someone’s address, you can get more information about who they are and the house or building they live in using our address lookup tool.
How Is Using a People Finder Tool Legal?

Our people lookup tool is perfectly legal as it only shows you information that’s already available in public records. All it does is compile the information and present it to you in a user-friendly manner.
It doesn’t do anything that violates data privacy laws. If the information that you’re looking for is not available in public records, then unfortunately, the people lookup tool will be of no help.
While there’s nothing wrong with using a people lookup tool to get information about someone, you have to keep in mind that you can’t use the obtained information to commit illegal acts. For example, you can’t use it to make employment decisions as an employment background check has certain legal requirements which you have to fulfill as an employer.
People Finder Tool FAQs
Below, you’ll find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions we receive:
- Can I Find Information About Someone if I Only Know Their Name?
Yes, it is possible to find information about someone if you only know their name. Using PublicRecord’s reverse people lookup tool, you can find details about their marriage records, criminal records, address history, email addresses, and more. All you need is their first and last name. If you know their city and state, then we recommend entering that, too, as it will make it easier for you to find what you’re looking for.
- What Is a Reverse People Lookup Tool?
A reverse people lookup tool allows you to find information about people based on their name. You have to type their first and last name, and then the tool will collect any publicly available data it can find on the Internet and present it to you in a report.
- Is It Legal to Use a People Finder Tool?
Yes, there is nothing illegal about PublicRecord’s people lookup tool as long as you don’t use it for illegal activities. All the information you find with its help is sourced from publicly available databases. What you choose to do with the information could be illegal, though, so make sure you understand data privacy laws and don’t try to contact someone against their wishes.
- What’s the Best People Finder Lookup on the Internet?
PublicRecord has the best and most efficient people lookup tool you’ll find on the Internet. It compiles information from publicly available databases, which means you don’t have to manually look for it yourself through search engines like Google and Bing. All the information that’s discovered by our tool is presented to you in a report.
- Can I Use a People Lookup for Screening Potential Employees?
No, you can’t use a people lookup tool to screen potential employees as that goes against the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Employment background checks follow strict legal requirements and you may also need consent from the person before going ahead with the screening. You also can’t use PublicRecord to look up people you’re considering hiring to work in your home, like a nanny or housekeeper.
- How Do I Find Information About Someone I Used to Work With?
If you know the name of the person you used to work with, you can use PublicRecord’s people lookup tool to find more information about them. Simply type their name on the site and wait for it to gather details about the person. Once it’s finished, you’ll be able to view a report that contains the person’s email address, address history, phone number, and more.
- Can I Find Information About a Person Using Their Email Address?
Yes, you can find information about a person with their email address using PublicRecord’s email lookup tool. It’s similar to a people lookup tool. You enter the email address and it looks for any publicly available information associated with it.
- Are People Finder Tools Free to Use?
No, people lookup tools are generally not free. They require a small fee that you have to pay before being able to see all the information about people. It covers the costs required to operate these tools and it is used to make the service more reliable and efficient.
- Can a People Finder Tool Share Information About Me?
Yes, people can find information about you using a reverse people lookup tool. It uses publicly available information to create a profile about people, so if there’s any information about you available in public records, other people will be able to find it. The only way you can prevent this is by removing personal information about yourself that you’ve shared online.
- Can I Find Information About a Person Who Lives Outside the US?
Yes, you can find information about a person who lives outside the US, but it may not always be possible. PublicRecord’s reverse people lookup tool scans publicly available databases to provide you with detailed reports about people. If the person whose information you want lives in a different country, then there’s a possibility that there may be limited public records available about them.
- Can I Use Google As a People Finder Lookup?
Yes, you can use a free search engine like Google, but it won’t offer the same level of detail and you’ll have to manually gather information yourself. It’s also hard to be certain the information you’ve found is about the right person and not someone with the same name.
- How Many Searches Can I Perform With a People Lookup Tool?
On PublicRecord, once you’ve paid to subscribe, you can create as many reports as you want. This ensures that you can find information about people easily and without any limitations.
ExplorePeople Directory From Public Record
Explore the list of free people search options provided below. This list can assist you in locating colleagues, classmates, friends, neighbors, and relatives. Additionally, take the opportunity to peruse our collection of trending and top names!
Search by Alphabetical Order
Nancyj Adam
Creseda AdamsIncludes: Jason Adamowitz, Eugene Adamek, Alcye Adams, Amanda Adamczak, Jennie Adamo
A Amparo
Obinna AmunekeIncludes: Bermard Amtpm, Ileana Amsler, Gavriel Amsalem, Kelly Amuciello, Abdellah Amrir
Patricia Aulicino
Lenny AuriemmaIncludes: Michele Aungst, Raymond Aurelia, Kathleen Aupin, Jehan Auranzeb, Joann Aulsebrook
Lilly Banch
Leon BandukerIncludes: Oudom Banda, Elham Bandalizadeh, R Bandi, Rober Bancroft, Adele Banda
Julia Bononi
Dianne BoodIncludes: Valree Boo, Resticuto Bontilao, Pel Bony, Creda Bonse, Ryan Bonstein
Sharon Brego
Matthias BreitschaftIncludes: Edwin Breitenfeldt, George Breitbart, Luise Breiter, Jacqueline Breitkreutz, Phyllis Breining
Diane Cellini
Albert CentarIncludes: Trisha Cenitlia, Robert Cendana, Reyna Cendejas, Stephanie Cence, Jane Cells
Odell Chasten
V ChattinIncludes: Paul Chastenay, Ray Chatreau, David Chathas, Edward Chatterley, Shaquise Chatter
Peggie Correll
Theresa CorsmeierIncludes: Erica Corsentimo, William Corretjer, Raymond Corsini, Holly Corrente, Bret Corsiglia
Jehangir Darukhanavala
Lydia DashkovitzIncludes: Cynthia Dasher, Susan Darymple, Paula Daryani, Romeo Dasgupta, Gerald Darvin
Gertrude Dietel
Bryan DifeboIncludes: A Dietrich, Annette Dietzer, Annette Dietl, Laura Dietzsch, Arnon Dietrich
Kathryn Dudzinski
Mark DueuasIncludes: Thomas Duecker, Genevieve Duehr, Robert Duesing, Phillip Duecaster, Johnny Duerksen
Malana Eckert
Felicia EcretIncludes: Miwa Eckstein, Victor Eckhardt, Charlotte Ecoff, Johanna Eckstein, Edward Eckett
Idis Eleutice
Zahra ElhatuIncludes: Sally Elghoraiby, Wael Elhaddad, Dora Elfers, Hosam Elharmell, Hannah Elford
Lucas Essley
Jimmie EstepIncludes: Armando Est, Birchel Estep, Mary Estello, Virginia Estabaya, Danny Essman
Erica Ferret
Yamila FerrufinoIncludes: Roxanne Ferrici, Regina Ferrigan, Kirstie Ferri, Kathleen Ferriolo, Jan Ferrin
Dinara Foote
M ForchetteIncludes: Crystal Force, Elwood Foraker, Andrea Forbs, Michael Forche, Carla Foran
Christopher Furois
Joann FuselierIncludes: Christopher Fusco, Christoph Furstenau, Vince Fuschetto, Christy Furr, Jeanie Fury
Harvey Gamm
Deborah GandaraIncludes: Ann Ganchi, Jason Gamwell, Bente Gammerath, Leonard Gammell, Kristie Gan
Warren Gluyes
Jodi GoadIncludes: Jackoline Gmach, Lucas Gniazdowski, Joseph Gnorski, Patrick Gnall, Indrawati Go
Argle Graves
Burnette GrayIncludes: Florence Graw, Anoinette Gray, Nakedra Graves, Angelo Gravino, Billy Gravins
Luzie Hagerman
Harry HaglerIncludes: Anglena Haggard, Derek Haggin, Jacqueline Haggblom, Janel Haggerty, Timothy Haggett
Emily Hobizal
Lakisha HockadayIncludes: Emma Hoblitt, Jean Hock, Johns Hobson, Cranston Hobson, Cassie Hockaday
Anders Holmgren
Lori HolsombackIncludes: Eddie Holshovser, Lloydiann Holness, B Holmquist, Erik Holmgren, Frank Holobawrown
Dudley Ilse
Harvey ImelIncludes: Josephine Ilumina, Venecia Imbert, H Imcarthur, Angelina Imbriaco, Monta Imbler
Nancy Irizarry
guiotIncludes: Taenish Irvin, Fawzy Irsilious, Ercia Irvine, Marcus Irvan, Helen Irudayaraj
Carla Isenberg
Aziza IshmaelIncludes: Olivia Ishikawa, Oleg Ishenin, Ikhlas Ishak, Sean Iser, Tak Ishiguri
Aprilia Jana
Pauline JanertIncludes: Julius Janecek, David Jancetic, Nancy Jancaric, Phyllis Jandro, Steven Janego
Euracio Jiron
Christoph JoanosIncludes: Hedi Jlassi, J Joab, Ohannes Jivalagian, Miriam Joanne, Sarah Jiron
Morgan Jungles
Mark JuracekIncludes: Reco Junior, Peggy Juntillataylor, Somsukdi Juntarakawe, Jeffery Jungquist, Nellie Junkins
Clare Kersey
Suzanne KeseloffIncludes: Kevin Kershewski, Bernadine Kerwin, Colleen Kershisnik, Karen Kerus, Margar Kersting
Carl Knobler
Shirley KnoppsIncludes: Jeff Knodel, Aki Knofler, Kory Knoff, Dominic Knobloch, Minna Knopper
Jessie Kulmacz
Grazyna KumiegaIncludes: John Kuloszewski, Omar Kulmure, Doreen Kumari, Akshar Kumar, Kshitij Kumar
Jill Laboy
Ramon LacaniloIncludes: Jill Laboy, Ellen Labuda, Josephine Labra, Kenneth Labrasca, Diane Labranee
Jennifer Lipkins
Arielle LipsenIncludes: Karen Lippus, Jeron Lippert, Dixie Lippelt, Dante Lippi, Jeanne Lipschutz
Marissa Lubin
Merideth LucasIncludes: Maria Lubisco, Donald Luboski, Robin Lucardie, Miguel Lucar, Lois Lubovsky
Marilyn Madewell
Daysi MadoniaIncludes: Josolyn Madison, David Madio, Niamh Madigan, Doug Madgic, Dayle Madigan
Quanetta Mcknight
Harry MclatcherIncludes: Clancy Mckormick, Rufus Mclain, Angie Mclachlan, Herbert Mckusick, Felisha Mckoy
Leland Munson
Salvacion MurallaIncludes: Doug Murakami, Timothy Munzing, Marah Munyan, Mildred Muoth, Maxine Muntz
Viator Ndikuriyo
Geral NealIncludes: Sererna Neal, Revbetty Neal, Ester Neal, Theresia Ndoryi, Ben Nduati
Dave Neuhring
Linda NevansIncludes: Bret Neunlist, Jamie Neuthaler, Laura Neurauter, William Neustaedter, Charles Neuyen
Cecel Nwachukwu
Bruce NyeIncludes: Fidelia Nwokedi, Kathy Nyby, Rose Nwaokolo, Mitchell Nyce, Nybo Nybo
Muhammed Ohid
Terri OhrnIncludes: Deanna Ohller, Mary Oholman, Robert Ohoson, Donald Ohnmeiss, Nizza Ohovwore
Kyoko Omae
Abdulghaffar OmeriIncludes: Holly Omah, Salvatore Ombres, Errique Oman, Mercedes Omendez, Marcia Omens
Aleksandra Oszczypala
Teara OtlangIncludes: Lashawn Otems, Damien Otero, Rodriguez Otero, Meredes Oteiza, Sean Ota
Giovanni Pacheo
Brooke PackheiserIncludes: Diana Paciariello, Michelle Pacholski, Margaret Pacienza, Neal Pachl, Elexis Pachico
Zachary Pesick
Connie PeteetIncludes: Cindy Pesterman, Daniel Pesis, Carol Pespisa, Grace Pessell, Noel Pesqueira
James Ponderosa
Giovanni PontiIncludes: Sergio Ponguta, Olga Ponomarenko, Guy Ponello, Sue Pongratz, Maynard Ponko
Ren Qu
Ellen QualyIncludes: Naiomi Qualk, William Quaempts, Louise Quaglieri, Tricia Quaale, K Qualitz
Tabitha Quidort
Nancy QuimadoIncludes: Joshua Quiller, Samson Quilario, Zulma Quijada, Art Quigley, Evisael Quiles
Hector Quiz
Chet QzyzIncludes: Nasir Qurshi, Michael Qvick, Zhou Qun, Elaine Quizon-cromwell, John Qusek
Ravit Ravit
Gene RaxterIncludes: Beverly Rawlins, Daniel Rawford, Sankar Ravuri, Aneshia Rawls, Russell Rawlins
Louis Rinovato
Juan RioscruzIncludes: Eduardo Rios zuniga, Lewis Riopelle, Mckenna Rinta, Sef Rios, Perry Rion
Marta Rovigo
David RowellsIncludes: Tillie Rovner, Kevin Row, William Rowatt, Ronisha Rowe, Eileen Rovner
Utla Sawin
Ariana SayIncludes: Kaya Sawyer, Samantha Sawson, Kimberly Saxer, Dorothy Sawoski, Leeora Sawyer
Andrea Sievert
Diane SiglerIncludes: Jane Siffler, Spencer Sifers, Myranda Sifuentes, Karla Sievert, William Siffray
Williamette Springer
Vernon SprowlIncludes: Dorothy Sprovtsoff, Tiffani Springs, Rickeylee Springman, Pamela Sprosstenny, Mozella Sprouse
Amy Tanjuaquio
Armand TanohIncludes: Lp Tankara, Kwasi Tano, Marion Tannehill, Karen Tannersampson, Philip Tannenholz
Gerri Tilley
Sheril TiltonIncludes: Turquoise Tillman, Tracy Tilman, Tammye Tillman, Karl Tillian, Karol Tilman
Jay Trothen
Dean TroutnerIncludes: Haruml Trousselle, Ida Trout, Donna Troutfetter, Tammy Trouillon, Blanche Troutman
Janice Uemori
Penny UhlenbrockIncludes: Arutyun Uguryan, Ruth Ufkes, Ryan Ueoka, Judith Ugalde, Ella Ugarte
Adira Updike
Mursel UralIncludes: Maricela Uraje, Benjamin Upward, Luren Updyke, Olstery Uph, Bruce Upston
Katorine Uribe
Ignacio UrquizoIncludes: Charles Urkiel, Sandra Urlacher, Purisima Urive, Georgia Urie, Alex Urizar
Lou Valich
Gendriz ValleIncludes: Alvaro Valiente, Earl Valinsky, Lovena Valiente, Dan Valker, May Vallario
Em Vavroch
Jose VazquezIncludes: Gilbert Vayon, Victoria Vazan, Jesus Vazquez senior, Nell Vay, Geri Vazquez
Katie Vinopal
Rozsa ViragIncludes: Angelo Violo, Timothy Violago, Lura Vinton, Maronica Vinson, Catheen Violette
Afaf Wahbeh
Lauren WailesIncludes: Alice Waidhofer, Avron Wahl, Bruce Wailes, Aisha Wahlstrom, Anthony Wahweah
Teresa Wellendorf
Juanita WellsIncludes: Mariland Wellerd, Eunita Wells, Gabriel Wellington, Jedward Wells, Suzzanne Wellington
Sholom Wircberg
Alice f WiseIncludes: Caitlin Wisbeski, Ronald Wirshing, Timothy Wirstell, Floyd Wirthlen, Jon Wirta
Chris X
Vuong XinIncludes: Luokun Xie, Cruz Xaxocoteco, Ri Xia, Bangone Xairarath, Kastrati Xhevat
W Xin
Helen XzzybylowiczIncludes: Audrey Xu, Carl Xjimenez, Ying x Xu, Songling Xue, Qiwei Xu
Judith Yass
Judith YavardovskyIncludes: Yenhwa Yau, Malese Yates, Juliei Yasunaga, Jahmel Yates, Debbie Yassih
Margie Yokum
Douglas YookIncludes: Rebecca Yonke, Shirley Yonko, Barbara Yonders, Jassica Yoo, Kyo Yon
Judeen Young
Jacqueline YoungblooIncludes: Lynn Young-baird, Angela Young-edgar, Shalandria Young, Leopold Young, Veta Young
M Zanoni oscar
John ZappitelloIncludes: John Zanzano, Joe Zapanta, Michael Zapotocky, Mauricio Zapeta, Robert Zanzucchi
Junquan Zhou
Deborah ZickIncludes: Tianpeng Zhou, Qir Zhuang, Mengliang Zhou, Margueriette Zichal, Abdallatif Ziada
Domenic Zito
Marlene ZnoyIncludes: Hector Ziz, Alice Zitzisperger, Carole Zlotnik, Trivikram Zmmaneni, Adriane Zlebis
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