person holding ringing phone in hand

Getting a call from an unknown number can be unnerving. The caller could be someone with malicious intent or just an old friend attempting to reach out, but without their name, you can’t know for sure.

Finding someone’s name through their phone number is fairly easy. You can use reverse lookup tools, search on social media or Google, use messenger apps, install caller ID apps to automatically detect the name, or put your detective hat on and physically search phone books. 

In this article, we’re going to teach you how to find someone’s name by phone number for free using the methods above and explain which one is best.

Online Tools and Methods

These methods are usually the easiest. If you have a number and you want to know who it belongs to, you’ll most likely get the answer through these tools. Here are some of the best online methods:

Reverse Phone Lookup Tools

These services, like our phone lookup tool, are made specifically to help you find information about a phone number. The process is pretty simple. You just enter the phone number into a search bar and press enter, and the service will scan its database for matches. 

When you look up a phone number on our tool, you’ll get basic information for free, such as the name you’re looking for, and you can pay for a much more detailed report. These tools are completely legal as all they do is pull data from publicly available databases. 

Search Engines

Go to Google or Bing and type the phone number into the search bar, hit the search button, and you’ll likely get results to personal websites, social media profiles, or business listings that include the number. 

To make it clear that you’re searching specifically for the phone number and its associations, put the number in quotation marks, too. This isn’t as specialized as a lookup service but there’s a huge amount of information out there on the internet and search engines will show you all that is relevant to the phone number you’ve got.

Social Media

Social media is usually the most common reason for people to link their phone numbers to their accounts, either for verification or general contact purposes. This means you can use some of these sites as a search engine, too. 

Simply enter the phone number in the search bar on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter. If it’s associated with a public profile, it’ll appear in the search results along with the name and maybe even other details like their profile picture and posts. 

However, depending on the specific privacy settings they’re using, it’s possible that their name does not show up despite the phone number being associated with their account.

Messenger Apps

People often use apps like WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger which require the linking of a phone number with their account in order to use them. This is especially true in the case of WhatsApp, which is the most popular messenger app out there. 

Using the phone number you have, save a contact with a generic name on your phone, restart your messenger app, and search for the contact name. 

If the phone number has an account on either of these messenger apps, you’ll be able to see their account in the search results. By clicking on the profile, you’ll likely also be able to see their real name as they indicated during setup.

Caller ID Apps

Caller ID apps like Hiya, CallApp, or TrueCaller are easily available on the app store on your phone. These are primarily useful if you’re getting repeated calls from the phone number in question. 

Once installed, these apps will automatically show you the caller’s name and other details when you receive a call from an unknown number. Like similar tools, these apps will give you basic information for free, but more details will probably require a subscription.

Non-Digital Methods

If the online methods don’t work, then it’s time to get creative and use some non-digital ways to find the name associated with the number that’s been calling you. Here are some methods we recommend trying out:


Phonebooks have fallen out of use due to being replaced by better technology, but when looking for an unknown number’s owner, these can be a surprisingly valuable resource.

Local phone books and business directories often list phone numbers along with the associated names and addresses, and any public libraries near you will keep copies of these phonebooks for reference. 

It’s going to take a lot more time than the digital searches from earlier, but it may be your only option for finding landline numbers.

Personal Address Books

Many people today still maintain physical address books where they jot down important contact information, including their phone numbers. Looking at these personal records can jog your memory (in case you suspect you know the owner of the number) or give you a direct link to the person you’re trying to find. 

Business cards work more or less in the same way, with all the necessary contact information listed on them. Check the ones you have to see if the number in question is listed there.

Respecting People’s Rights During Search

A person’s phone number, especially if they’ve used it to contact you, is more or less public information that you can use to find their name. However, before you go down the rabbit hole of searching, you need to keep in mind the importance of respecting their rights and privacy in the process. 

There are specific laws regarding privacy and the use of personal data that you must consult. These include the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States. 

While the methods mentioned in this article do not violate any of these laws, it is possible that a misstep could cause an inadvertent breaking of the rules. 

Regardless of whether it was accidental, it can result in legal repercussions. Therefore, it’s best that you only use these methods for legitimate purposes, such as reconnecting with an old friend or verifying a business contact.

Respecting people’s privacy goes a step beyond just following the law. There are certain ethical principles that should be guiding your actions throughout the search process, because even if a method is legally permissible, it might still infringe on someone’s privacy. 

For instance, before posting a phone number in online forums or social media groups asking for information, consider what it could do to the person’s privacy and reputation. 

The general rule of thumb is to always minimize the exposure of personal information and use discretion when sharing any details you uncover. If you find the information you’re looking for, which you likely will through one method or the other, use it responsibly.

hand dialing number on mobile phone

Stick to Reputable Sources

Phone numbers can be pretty cryptic at times. However, if you get a call from an unknown number, you should now have the tools and methods you need to make sure you know who’s reaching out. 

Remember to start with the free, easy ones that are as non-invasive as possible and work your way up from there, if needed. At the same time, make sure you’re using the best practices throughout your search and only going to reputable sources for information. This will keep not only the person you’re searching for safe but you as well.


If you’ve still got burning questions, we have you covered. Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

How Long Does It Take To Find Someone’s Name With Their Number?

Typically, it just takes a few minutes, but of course, it can take longer if you go with some of the non-digital methods. For the online tools, expect to have the information you need within seconds or, at most, within a couple of minutes. For things like phone books, business card searches, etc., expect to spend an evening on the task.

Why Are Reverse Lookup Tools the Best Way?

These services are designed with exactly this use case in mind, which means they’re providing you with the best possible results as fast and conveniently as possible.  These tools are kind of like the silver bullet you need to be able to find a name from a phone number.

Is Every Phone Number Attached to a Name?

No, not every phone number is attached to a publicly available name. Most phone numbers are and can be identified through lookup services, but others, such as prepaid or burner phones, numbers used solely for online services, or numbers with strict privacy settings, may not be easily traceable to a name.

Find Someone’s Name by Phone Number for Free Today

Finding the name associated with an unknown phone number can be a daunting task, but it’s acheivable through various methods. Online tools, such as reverse lookup services offer quick and accurate results. Just be sure to always respect individual privacy and legal boundaries when doing these kinds of searches.

Tyron Pitch

Tyron Pitch
